Ace Turtle, a retail technology company, has evolved into India's leading tech-native retail firm by embracing vertical integration in 2021. Expanding from its origins as a tech platform, Ace Turtle now orchestrates the entire commerce process, encompassing design, manufacturing, and direct product delivery to consumers. With the acquisition of licenses for prestigious international brands like Lee, Wrangler, Toys 'R' Us, Babies 'R' Us, and Dockers, Ace Turtle has solidified its position in the market. This Bengaluru and Singapore-based company stands at the forefront of retail industry transformation, leveraging its proprietary technology driven by data science. By integrating design, local manufacturing, and marketing, Ace Turtle efficiently meets the evolving expectations of consumers. As the exclusive licensee of iconic global brands in India and other South Asian markets, Ace Turtle is poised to continue driving innovation and shaping the future of retail.